Aquafest 2014

Aquafest 2013

Aquafest 2012 Click here to see photos!

See pictures from Aquafest 2011 HERE!

An Evening with the Olympians 2010
SNCA hosted a gala fundraiser, "An Evening with the Olympians," which featured recent Olympic swimming stars in an event at the Peppermill Pool Complex on June 5, 2010. This special event was open to everyone and featured an energetic mix of Olympic highlights and insights, led by Olympic gold medalists Rowdy Gaines, Cullen Jones and Jason Lezak. Additionally, the Olympians put on a Make a Splash swim clinic for children of the Boys and Girls Club*, spent time with local swim clubs and visited the Special Olympics.
*A special thanks to the City of Reno for their pool time donation.

Photos from An Evening with the Olympians
