Dream of a New Regional Aquatic Center a Reality!

City of Reno Opens William N. Pennington Moana Springs Community Aquatics & Fitness Center

SNCA was born as a grassroots effort of citizens concerned over the lack of pools in the Truckee Meadows in late 2007.  Formalized with the creation of a 501c3 organization in February of 2008, SNCA set forth with a mission to promote, facilitate and coordinate the sustainability and expansion of aquatic resources within the Truckee Meadows.  Since founding SNCA had a primary goal to bring a regional aquatic center back to the Moana Springs site.  SNCA and its Advisory Board worked diligently over a 17-year period, including the great recession and the COVID 19 Pandemic, to garner the support of the public, the City of Reno, and potential donors to facilitate the creation of a facility to meet the needs of aquatic user in the Truckee Meadows.

With the support of the community, and early financial and in-kind donors, SNCA was able to develop and fund a facility plan, operational plan, and various due diligence studies that ultimately supported its preparation of a grant request, on behalf of the City of Reno, to the William N. Pennington Foundation.  With the successful $9 Million conditional pledge commitment from the Foundation in hand, the Reno City Council worked with its Parks, Finance, and Public Works departments to finalize construction plans (including a commitment to a 50-meter primary pool length) and a financing plan to cover the full cost of construction.  The partnership between the City of Reno and SNCA, and each of their partners and stakeholders, enabled the VanWoert Biogotti designed, and CORE Construction built Moana Springs facility to become the incredible reality that will be celebrated Tuesday and for years to come.

SNCA offers its sincere thanks to the 100’s of individuals and businesses who have supported our efforts as Moana Springs would not exist without the many steps that occurred along the way.  Support has come in the way of letter writing campaigns and meeting attendance, financial contributions, fundraising event attendance, in-kind donations of items and services, and sharing of information and advice and all have played a role in leading to the successful development of this crown jewel aquatic center for the community.


William N. Pennington Moana Springs Community Aquatics and Fitness Center

The Moana Springs Aquatics and Fitness Center  includes an indoor 50 Meter by 25 yard pool including dual 1 and 3 Meter diving boards, an indoor warm water recreation pool including zero depth entry, water spray elements, a current pool, slide, and lap/exercise/class space.  There is also an outdoor warm water soaking pool in a beautiful outdoor area.  The facility includes all the necessary accessory spaces to support the aquatics elements as well as several multipurpose rooms and a 5,000 square foot mezannine exercise facility.  Facility amenities include:


  • Competition Pool
    • 10 x 50 meter lanes
    • 19 x 25 yard lanes
    • Max Depth - 13 Feet
    • 2 x 1 meter diving boards
    • 2 x 3 meter diving boards
    • Complete timing system and two scoreboard displays
    • Handicapped Lift
  • Multi-Use Pool
    • 3 x 20 yard lanes
    • Slide
    • Resistance / Lazy River feature
    • Splash features
    • Zero-Depth entry
  • Soaking Pool
    • High 90's water temperature
    • Relaxing outdoor environment
  • Fitness Center with cardio and weight equipment 
  • Free day-use lockers (lock required)
  • Showers (includes private shower stalls)
  • 2 Family/ADA restrooms
  • Mother's Lounge
  • Kick-boards and paddles supplied upon request (lap swimmers only)
  • Special Equipment
    • Automatic Pool Lifts (ADA)
    • Easy access stairs









Expanding and improving aquatic opportunities for the Truckee Meadows!
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